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General Update 05/08/24

It’s been a busy week for us here at tofurocks! As promised, we’re going to try doing the weekly updates schedule again.

State of Development

We’ve got a whole load of updates for y’all to take a gander at this time around:

  • Overall story and route divergences mapped out
  • Current word count within Ren’Py: 17.5K words (Day 4 out of 14 for the common route)
  • Santiago can now get wasted
  • Santiago’s full body sprite is now complete, and he has also received rhinoplasty

A lot of our attention has been put into assembling the pitch deck these past few weeks, and with Santiago’s full body sprite now ready to go, we’ll be redoing a lot of the scene direction for an updated demo. We can’t quite give a date on when that’ll be done but we hope you look forward to it!

Queer Games Bundle 2024 Now Available for Purchase!

We’re also happy to report that the Queer Games Bundle 2024 launched earlier this week! We’re participating in the bundle with 'have your monster,' as well as the All-In-One GUI template and snowfall GUI for Ren’Py! If you haven't picked up your copy, you can grab over 480 games, tools, assets, and more for USD$60, or for USD$10 if you're strapped for cash. The bundle benefits 271 creators/studios this year, and your purchases help developers like us keep on creating.

Thanks for reading, and we'll see you next week!